My emergency toolkit for periods of change and uncertainty
A health and wellness coach explores strategies for holistic well-being during times of great change. Discover effective techniques for managing stress and building resilience when life is in flux. Reconsider the value of movement, journaling, and community connection as grounding practices. Get access to a comprehensive stress management guide by becoming a free subscriber to the newsletter!
Finding the Right Therapist For You: a Step-by-Step Guide
Finding a therapist that is right for you can feel like a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time looking. Taking the time to find the right therapist can be the difference between a successful growth experience and a frustrating waste of time and money. This guide breaks it down into 7 manageable steps, offering guidance and worksheets to help you through the process.
Coaching vs. Therapy: What Do I Need?
Are you looking for a coach or therapist to help you reach your goals and make positive changes in your life? This blog post explores the differences between coaching and therapy, the topics and tools each use, the scope of practice for each, the training and qualifications associated with each, and insurance and ethics considerations. Learn more about the benefits of partnering with both a coach and a therapist to reach your holistic well-being goals.
Guided Imagery: what is it, and who is it for?
Guided imagery is a mind-body technique used to reduce stress, improve sleep, immune system function, athletic/work/personal performance, access subconscious guidance and intuition, improve mood, manage pain, and assist with long-term behavior change. Learn more about how it works and how you can try it out for yourself!
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