My emergency toolkit for periods of change and uncertainty
A health and wellness coach explores strategies for holistic well-being during times of great change. Discover effective techniques for managing stress and building resilience when life is in flux. Reconsider the value of movement, journaling, and community connection as grounding practices. Get access to a comprehensive stress management guide by becoming a free subscriber to the newsletter!
How to Make Better Decisions: A framework for choosing the right path for your goal
Do you struggle to make intentional and confident decisions? Follow this 6-step framework for better decision making. Find helpful tips and questions along with a free workbook to guide your process. No more analysis paralysis or just-winging-it for you. Better decisions are coming your way…
Finding the Right Therapist For You: a Step-by-Step Guide
Finding a therapist that is right for you can feel like a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time looking. Taking the time to find the right therapist can be the difference between a successful growth experience and a frustrating waste of time and money. This guide breaks it down into 7 manageable steps, offering guidance and worksheets to help you through the process.
Coaching vs. Therapy: What Do I Need?
Are you looking for a coach or therapist to help you reach your goals and make positive changes in your life? This blog post explores the differences between coaching and therapy, the topics and tools each use, the scope of practice for each, the training and qualifications associated with each, and insurance and ethics considerations. Learn more about the benefits of partnering with both a coach and a therapist to reach your holistic well-being goals.
Managing Holiday Stress and Planning for a Successful 2023: Strategies and Tools You Need
Make the end of the year and start of the new one the best yet with these helpful resources, tips and tools. From spending your money mindfully and meaningfully to setting healthy boundaries with family and planning for 2023, explore advice and resources to make the most of this year end season. Get your free planning booklet and take advantage of the special coaching promotion today!
Stress management practices: a comprehensive guide
Introducing the new Stress Management Practice comprehensive guide. Including 36 practices with relevant links and helpful resources to dive deeper than your average listicle. If you’re ready to take stress management seriously, this guide is for you.
Guided Imagery: what is it, and who is it for?
Guided imagery is a mind-body technique used to reduce stress, improve sleep, immune system function, athletic/work/personal performance, access subconscious guidance and intuition, improve mood, manage pain, and assist with long-term behavior change. Learn more about how it works and how you can try it out for yourself!
Reviving Routines After Disruption
We’ve all been there. Our routine is finally on rails. Whether it’s easy or still challenging, we’re doing the things that we committed to doing for our own well-being on a regular basis, without skipping or skimping. We feel good about it. And then… life happens. Sometimes it’s planned, sometimes it’s an unexpected interruption, and we are kicked out of our routines for a period of time. Whether it’s something we know about ahead of time or a last minute trip or emergency, we can make a flexible plan for how we’ll handle the disruption to our routines and how we’ll get back on track when the normal cadence of life resumes.
Choosing hope and possibility by re-writing our old stories
Embarking on a process of change and growth you confront the old patterns that keep you stuck. That feeling of "stuckness" is the tension between who you were and who you are becoming. Old patterns were useful once or they wouldn't have emerged in the first place. But they may not be serving you now. To change these patterns requires revisiting and re-writing the stories that helped build them.
Working with resistance: changing habits and neural pathways
On the experience of resistance to self-care and new habits. The how, the why, and the “what the hell do I do about it?” A simple 4 step process to make friends with resistance and keep your commitment to improving your well-being.
Stages of behavior change: Where are you and what does it mean?
Do you feel that some key area of your life is out of balance and you’re not happy with the current state of affairs? Maybe you’ve been thinking about making a change for a while, but you haven’t started yet. Or maybe you are in the middle of a behavior change process and you’re nervous about how to keep it going. Here’s what you need to know about your stage of change…
Values-driven change: Finding and harnessing your motivation
Values-driven change: Finding and harnessing your motivation.
You’re ready to make a change, to put your plan to action. Your goal aligns with your long-term health and wellness vision and you are energized to get started. Congratulations! This is a big deal and you’re on your way. Before you jump into action, let’s make sure your underlying motivations are going to fuel you throughout the ups and downs of the behavior change process.
Creating a health and wellness vision—and why it matters
So you have a health and wellness goal in mind, and you’re ready to get started. Have you created your wellness vision yet? Here’s what that is and why it matters for successful long-term behavior change.
What is health coaching, and is it for me?
What is health and wellness coaching and is it right for me? Who can benefit from a holistic health and wellness coach?
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